John 10 – Verse by Verse

John Pic

Jesus, drawing on Old Testament imagery of sheep and a shepherd says that he is the door of the sheepfold by which God’s sheep enter. Further he calls himself the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep

John 10.pdf

John 10.mp3

Here is a link to the livestream video. Note that there are two parts due to some technical difficulties.:

39 Books: Zechariah – Messianic Hope for Weary Builders

39 Bks Torah Scroll WhiteZechariah – Messianic Hope for Weary Builders

Zechariah speaks to the people after the return from Babylon.  His prophecies mainly look forward to the coming of the Messiah.

38 Zechariah.pdf           38 Zechariah.mp3

the God who dwells in darkness — Brim-Full with Immensity of Life

This is from Krystiana.  Decided to share it.

You’ve probably heard: I’m from the city, and right now I live in the deep suburbs. (Four more weeks and counting down, not like I’m counting down.) So one thing I’ve realized about the suburbs: it’s dark out here. We don’t have that problem in the city. In the urban center, if we’re talking about […]

via the God who dwells in darkness — Brim-Full with Immensity of Life

Palmer St. Podcast: The Next Challenge

Faithfulness doesn’t protect us from challenges. It prepares us for future challenges.

Faithfulness doesn’t protect us from challenges. It prepares us for future challenges.

2 Chron 32.mp3

2 Chron 32.pdf

2 Chron 32.pptx