Acts 16 – Verse by Verse

Our missionaries revisit the towns in Galatia that they evangelized on their previous journey. From there they cross into Macedonia beginning with the city of Philippi.

 Acts 16,pdf

Acts 16.mp3

Here is a link to the livestream video:

A Prayer Prompted by John 11

Our Father in heaven,

You have your own perfect plans for us.  You know exactly how best to form us and shape us, how to mold our character and bend our will. Help us to trust you as you do your perfect work.

Cause us to always keep looking toward Jesus as the perfect example of humanity. He perfectly understands us in all of our trials and our weaknesses because he live through such things himself.

We receive him also as the perfect Savior, who died for us, rose again, and is the source of eternal life for all of us who believe.

With Martha we can respond to Jesus by saying, “Yes, Lord; we believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who has come into the world.”


John 10 – Verse by Verse

John Pic

Jesus, drawing on Old Testament imagery of sheep and a shepherd says that he is the door of the sheepfold by which God’s sheep enter. Further he calls himself the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep

John 10.pdf

John 10.mp3

Here is a link to the livestream video. Note that there are two parts due to some technical difficulties.: