Luke 22 – Verse by Verse

Photo for Luke

This chapter, in which Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper shows us four important things.  They are Judas’s betrayal, Peter’s denial, Christ’s prayer and Christ’s covenant.

Luke 22.pdf

Luke 22.mp3

Here is a link to the livestream video:

Mark 14 Verse by Verse

Photo for Mark edited

Christ is getting closer to the cross. This chapter will highlight a woman’s sacrifice, Peter’s failure and Christ’s obedience.

Mark 14.pdf

Mark 14.mp3

Matthew 26 Verse by Verse

Matt photoThis chapter looks at Christ’s last Passover with his disciples and the beginning of the Lord’s Supper given to the church.  We see Jesus in Gethsemane, Judas’s betrayal and Peter’s denial.  This is God’s love.

Matthew 26.pdf

Matthew 26.mp3