Getting Started @ School #18

I love to tell the story of when Horizon Central first got started – specifically how we acquired Old School #18. Many have been encouraged by hearing it. I’m encouraged just remembering it.

Before that day, Horizon Central was a group of people in a home fellowship that met in the Fletcher Place neighborhood of Indianapolis. The group was associated with the larger Horizon Christian Fellowship on the NE side – pastor Bill Goodrich. For the record, John Colón was leading the group and it met in the home of Scott and Tracy Murphy. They were praying about and looking for a way to begin a church nearer to downtown – one that would focus more on the people and needs near the center of the city.

So one day in November of 1997, the Indianapolis Public Schools held an auction to sell off some of the buildings which they had closed that year. Horizon had noticed School #18 in Fountain Square and thought it might fit their vision. They sent some guys over that day to bid on it.

They went to the auction equipped with somewhat more faith than money, but not a whole lot of either, really. As the going price for #18 went up they bid more money than they had. The bidding continued, so they dropped out, stopping at the limit of their faith. Eventually the building was sold. Oh well. Nice try anyway. God must have another plan.

Then the man that bought it gave us the building! And we’re still here, 10 years later. God did have another plan – one that teaches us that His resources are always greater than our own.

School #18 ← This is the place.  Beautiful, is it not?

4 thoughts on “Getting Started @ School #18

  1. And now He keeps teaching us how His resources are greater than our own. The whole story of how we got the church reminds me that God can keep it going, huh?

  2. Absolutely! After all, a ministry in an environment where everything was simply “under control” would be a) boring, and b) useless. Faith that isn’t being stretched is probably shrinking. (If that last sentence makes sense you can quote me on it.) And thanks Cyndi, for reading these posts. It’s an encouragement to keep writing them.

  3. Wonderful account — thank you for relaying it so well! If not already done, this should be printed and posted somewhere in the church building to remind all who enter of God’s wonderful provision.

  4. Good point Jan. We have it as a handout to give to any interested newcomers or visitors, but I like your idea of displaying the story for all to see.

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